Thursday, February 2, 2017

Zhaohuan Qiu-Joseph-Part 1-Ad, just a religion from abusing.

In my opinion, the American Dream is a kind of religion to huge amount of people about equality and freedom. It is just a propaganda for the government to pursue residents and out comers that the U.S is a place with no restrictions and bias to make living. People there could enjoy equal human rights and same opportunity to achieve everyone’s dream successfully if they worked hard. However, it is only a fantasy in the American society. The phenomenon of inequality and limits are always existing. There are only 1% or even less of the American controlled more than 50% of the entire economy, which means that the rest of population have to share the rest of the resources because most of properties were already taken. There are still plenty of people living in poor areas with least security, salary and flexibility. In addition, most of them did not get wealthy enough to support them for a better living condition. It is too hard to achieve because the wealthy people will only keep increasing their assets by sufficient capitals, relationship, powers, etc. In contrast, richer get richer, poor get poorer. Therefore I highly agree tot state of the movie. People still need some background on order to obtain some opportunity, which enables them to get some possibility to achieve their American Dream.

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