Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Zhang Xiaoyu (Katherine) Part 1 - Different Education Leads to Inequality Of Opportunity

The American Dream is what a person tries to achieve things they want through hard work such as equality, wealth, and power. And the American Dream is different for everyone. For me, the American Dream is that I can receive great education to make money to improve the quality of my future life. Because great education can help me to find a good job and make a living by making money. In today’s society, the different levels of education will influence people’s future life. For example, I am studying abroad in Canada but compared to the students in China, I can receive better education. I have bigger chance to get a good job with the education I receive. People need to use their knowledge from education to get a job then they can make money, but the chance to achieve that is not equal for everyone. If I do not have a good job, then I cannot get money to live such as I have no money to buy food. Today, the American Dream has become more about wealth. Wealth directly affects the quality of people’s life. But to make the money depends on education. The idea presented in Park Avenue means that the American Dream is difficult to achieve. For example in the movie, social psychologist Paul Piff did an experiment about game of Monopoly. He changed rules to giving one player a huge advantages about the money they get and the dice they can roll. So the richer player allowed to move around quicker. And the poor player will be hit hard and move around very slowly. The richer player just whizzing around the other player and get more money. I agree with that because the start lines for everyone are different. The education we receive is different which can affect us to achieve our goals. Compared with those people who have a lot of social mobility and resources, like the resources in education, the chance for people who are trapped in disadvantage can be compared to that of wining the lottery, which is almost impossible.

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