Monday, February 6, 2017

Niuniu Du. part 2

American dream has changed obviously and I suppose that individuals who are dishonest could reach their goals through some illegal methods.What is more,American dream is not fair for everyone as the precondition of American dream is people get opportunities equally and chances are open to everyone while nowadays it is not like that and the rich almost control everything.However,the poor could hardly have chance to succeed because they do not have any opportunities to approach their goals although they work hard they also could not make their dreams come true,it is ridiculous for people to be rich through their hardworking and personality.In America’s contemporary society, the rich is much richer while the poor could not change their present conditions.  According to ‘Park Avenue’,it reveals that the rich controls everything,they only cares about themselves and they give money to the government in order to change the laws,which are beneficial for them.Additionally,the rich uses dishonest methods to be more successful and they do not care about the poor even though some poor people might not get education.Both the rich and the poor live in the avenue and it is only 60 minutes’ drive from one side to the other,in the previous time it encouraged people to work harder so that they could move from the poor side to the rich side.On the contrary,the rich people’s tax decreased by 20% in the twenty years and it brings the rich a large number of benefits but the poor is still suffering.As from ‘The Great Gatsby”,Gatsby is a symbol of people who believes American dream because on his funeral his father brought his timetable and personal rules,which demonstrate he is a hard-working and positive young people.However,the fact is cruel and he can not get money and be rich through normal ways so he decided to connect with Sam to do something illegal things and he become rich in only a few years.In fact,only the people like Gatsby who is crafty and dishonest become wealthy.In order to get wealth and status,Gatsby changes from a positive guy to the people only care about profit and result.  From above analysis,we could draw a conclusion that American dream does not exist anymore and only the people who are dishonest could achieve it.

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