Wednesday, February 8, 2017

George part2

  In my opinion, I think the American dream is dishonest. because of the American dream means everyone can realize their dreams, do you want to things and more rich life, everyone is equality and freedom. but the fact is not like this, the fact is not everyone can live a rich life and realize their dreams. each person has a different star, some people has rich life when he was born and his life is some one else wants. this is many peoples American dreams, in the eyes of other people they are think this is not fair. the equality is everyone is same star rather than different star. the American dream is everyone can realize their dreams, but this is impossible things, because everyone is different star so get the chance of success is different also. and the Great Gatsby give us show different people has different life. tom is a was born in a wealthy family, but the Gatsby is a was born a poor family. tom this main characters in the story is a rich man, he don't need hard work for life, his life in the eyes of other people is the American dream. he believes in basic inequalities of people based on birth. everyone want to become to tom cause of don't need hard work can get all and achieve the American dream. in the park avenue with inequality and the gap between rich and poor. all the residents in the park avenue have one half people life is very hard, and the other half is rich people. this is why the American dream just a dream, because it is very difficult to achieve and this gap is not hard work can fill.


  1. I am not disagree with you about not everyone can realize their own dream,because of the American dream told the people that if they work hard ,they can achieve their goal, because of the people realize their dream ,that is why they want to work hard and earn money to achieve their goal,so your point that not everyone can realized their dream is make no sense,even though the poor can not earn the enough money to make their dream come true and they also know what their dream is。however i also agree with everyone has different start of their life and the rich can just enjoy their life,but the poor have to hard work to make money ,it is unfair to the poor,so i think the American dream was the rule of the rich to the poor,everyone was not equality in that society

    comment by casper

  2. I agree with the American dream is dishonest its unfair. But i disagree with your opinion that the reason why american is unfair.In your opinion you said "each person has a different star, some people has rich life when he was born and his life is some one else wants."That mean you think the american dream is unfair because everyone has the different goals, so its unfair.I think in the begaining the american dream is "real" american dream and why the american become unfair because with the evolution of human history, the bourgeois rulers and beneficiaries who usually are entrepreneurs or politicians found that the way of the American Dream cannot help them gain more benefits, so they through changing rule and regulations to “contort” it. Apparently the nature of the American dream became a fantasy of deception.

    comment by Wade
