Monday, February 6, 2017

shirley wang xueyi part 2 a cruel truth of American dream

The American dream which could be achieved by working hard ordinarily becomes more unfulfillable and untouchable for ordinary people. It is so realistic that could not come true because of the unchangeable class division. In my opinion that it is difficult for ordinary people to achieve American dream even they use dishonest.  In Great Gatsby, which shows the truth of the American dream, Gatsby uses cheating in order to gain his American dream- Daisy. He made up his background that he was born in a wealthy family and inherited plenty of money to mask his poverty family. He wanted to show off to Daisy that he also had the strong background like Tom and he could provide the high-quality life to her. however, he could not be acknowledged and accepted by the East egg, which means old money, although he attracted the public’s attention temporarily. Additionally, Gatsby made the sufficient income from selling alcohol and drug which were illegal in that age and contacted with the gangster. He cheated for the whole society and the public to achieve his American dream rather than work honestly and pay more efforts. What’s more, Gatsby told Daisy that he has the legitimate occupations instead of showing the truth, because he considered that it would increase opportunities and probabilities for Daisy to fall in love with him again after 5 years. Meanwhile, Gatsby mentioned that he studied in Oxford university, honestly, he just stayed here for 3 months as a soldier.  He wanted to beautify his image in Daisy’s mind by lying about his jobs and experience. Nevertheless, he could not achieve the American dream, which represents marrying Daisy, due to his past. The truth could not be hidden by lies and stories forever. We know Daisy lived in the east egg that means wealth and nobility, on the other words, the American dream belongs to riches which have the historical money and background, on the contrary, Gatsby could not be in this class because of the “game rule” of society. He could not achieve American dream because of the giant gap---class division which is unchangeable forever. So, the American dream is totally fake and unachievable for people.  

In the documentary, park avenue: money, power and the American dream, which reveals the real situations in society, shows that the rich use their dishonest to obtain the opportunities to satisfy their desire and greed. Rich use money to manipulate laws, extend the power and rig “games” instead of affording fancy cars and other, which are basic needs of poor. On the contrary, the people who live in the north of park avenue is suffering from poverty. They do not have sufficient food to support, not to mention how tough and rigid they feel about survivals. For instance, a rich bribe to the government staff who are corrupted by money or some confidential information to lower their taxes. They pay the lower tax that stipulation which is defined by law. So, it is easier than poor to gain the success. Oppositely, even the government shows that they will provide chances for poor in appearance, the truth is the government uses the lie to stimulate them to dream a realistic goal which is energy for them to work.  They are constrained by rules and class division in society so, they do not have the same opportunities and resource like rich forever. Thus, they could not escape the poverty completely.
Consequently, the American dream is fake for people and society. They have to use the dishonest to touch the success, but they could not achieve the American dream because of the cruel truth--- invariable class division.
I comment steven's part 2


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In part 2, you express that The American Dream is untouchable. Although people use their dishonesty in the way of getting to success,The American Dream is still unattainable due to the class division. Also,you provided the character Gatsby and an example of “lower tax” in the documentary in order to prove your thesis about American Dream.

    I agree with your main thesis statement but partly disagree with your supporting ideas from the book and the documentary. Firstly, I really support that the American Dream is a fake. Since people born, their class has already decided by their background. Even though some of them change their life from poor to rich, they still can not integrate with the class comfortably because their past is against by the people who are originally rich. This kind of prejudice is also the route of “New Money” and “Old Money” in the book.

    However, you claim that Gatsby uses dishonesty to approach his American Dream of Daisy. I think it is partly right because he also behaved sincerely for getting Daisy back. He picked his home close to Daisy which across the bay from her. Also, he is willing to hide the truth that Daisy killed Myrtle and took the responsibility as a killer. These details all show his sincerity in loving Daisy.

    Besides, I think the supporting part from documentary is inconsistent because you took “lower tax” as an example to show how the rich reached The American Dream by cheating, but you said dishonesty can not help to achieve the American Dream. Thus, I think this point even disapprove your thesis.

    Comment by Fitz
