Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Fang( Zhuang,Fang) part 1 Exclusive Dream

American dream refers to the belief that everyone is born to be equal so no matter what background a person is, they need to be given the equal chance to achieve whatever dreams they have. In my opinion, every single individual should have the right to choose the life that they desire. However, in this increasingly money-conscious society, American dream turning into a match of chasing wealth as well as the poor idealism, only a small member of people can achieve it .we can see in the film Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream, the cruel reality of the huge gap between the rich and the poor in the American society. American Dream is an exclusive term for the richest in the society, who have divided the majority of the wealth and resources. The rich have more social human resources and more way to earn whatever they want, while the poor is still struggling to put food on their table. Therefore, although according to the law, everyone is equal, it does not mean that all the citizens in American have the equal chance to make achievement in the society because they are originally ripped off the chance to get upper hand. Therefore, the equality in America is concepts but they are hard to achieve.


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