Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Deng Bowen ( Iver ) Part1 American dream

  In my opinion, American dream contains a prosperous society that everyone is at least mid-class or higher and has the ability to fed themselves. In terms of diversity, everyone should have been treated equally and have equal opportunities. Right now, the American Dream has become more focus on the economic development instead of freedom and equality. This idea has been proved when Donald Trump got elected as president. Trump’s idea of economic development and creating more jobs gains him a lot of supports. However, many of his policies has a discriminative perspective with unequal treatments among different races. His recent bans on several Muslim countries are clearly not within the scope of the original American Dream. I think the fundamental value of American Dream is not really about economic prosperity but diversity and equality. There is a lot more to progress base on what people perceives American Dream is nowadays. Contrast to the film, the film didn't reflect the American dream, because the capitalists control the market economy and the taxes paid. It didn't make the poor achieve their American dream and the poor have bad education, living place and bad quality of life, it means the poor who are not fair.

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