Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Shirley Wang xueyi part1 The Ideal Propoganda

American dream originally means to provide the equal and sufficient opportunities for whole society include the rich and poor to gain the happiness. In my opinion that American dream becomes the propaganda which causes ordinary people work harder and believe it blindly that they can be rich. American dream creates an unpractical achievement for poor and makes the brainwash for them that they could obtain the success by efforts. The American dream  propagandize  them that they will provide the same chances for poor to gain the better education, equality, and future. It stimulates them to work harder and harder to touch these “equal” opportunities with the giant expectation. However, the truth is that the top ladder of society already manipulates the rules of society. They dependent on their strong background and relationship to control the opportunities for poor like rigging game. For instance, in "animal farm", boxer which works harder and blindly believes goverment is the symblo for the ordinary people in realy society, he wants to obtain the better life by efforts because the government mentions that as long as he spends suffcient effords or work harder, they could own better future. However, this is a totally lie and he works harder in his whole life, and gains nothing excpet cruel death.  In the documentary, Park Avenue: Money, Power and The American Dream shows that American dream is the tool to control the public which will work harder with the idealism dream and satisfy the desired of rich, who prefer to manipulate the whole society by political power. The government uses the excuse to propagandize people’s dreams and creates the fake and unhealthy society. Overall, the American dream is an idealism propaganda which lies for public to make them follow the government completely. In fact, American dream is fraud for society

Image result for american dream propaganda

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that the American dream is a propaganda that the government promotes to give hope to the citizens so they will believe that as long as they work hard, they can also achieve their dreams. However, I also believe that your comment is extreme that the American dream is fraud for society because one fact is omitted. Some poor people do go through a lot of trouble to reach a higher position as time goes by so it is not rational to claim that American dream is fake. The truth is the American Dream is not easy to achieve but the American government indeed has been trying to make it easier in many ways such as providing scholarship and financial aids to the poor ones. Therefore, it is possible for any single individual to achieve American dream although it means we need to go through a variety of difficulty and obstacles. comment by fang
