Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Tongyuan Zhu(Eric) Part 1 - One of The Most Unrealistic Thinking in Last Centary

Part 1
                                One of The Most Unrealistic Thinking in Last Century

       In my opinion, because the government does not provide the equal conditions to everyone, the American Dream is just an unrealistic thinking created for convincing people to work harder. However, one of most vital precondition for the American Dream is everyone has the same rights which are people living in poverty cannot have opportunity to own. When children of rich people find jobs in their own firms easily, they may be worrying about the rent of apartments. Because of this nonexistent equality, the American Dream is impossible to achieve for poor people.
        According to that, I think it is possible to achieve the American Dream today, but it depends more about wealth. Referring to “Park Avenue; Money, Power, and the American Dream?”, there are a number of roles can be broken even tampered by money like house property, taxes and laws. Wealth people are able to earn ten times income as much as they spent, but people in south of Park Avenue only had less 40 dollars a day. Under this stress, poor people cannot even keep their life moving and it is impossible to be successful. In contrast, if government can provide some allowance for them, the gap between rich people and them. Generally speaking, the American Dream is created to inspire poverty, but it is only possible for wealth people because they have only won in the beginning.  

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