Sunday, February 5, 2017

Flame Zhang wenqi Part2

    In my opinion, American dream means every people can get good life by their hard work but not relate to any social class or other people's help. Actually, american dream is essentially dishonest.Equality chance is very important for american dream. But equality chance based on equal social class. Obviously, social class is different for every person, when people born their social class already decide their development. Low class people born in a very general family, most of them have a general behavior, attitude and social contact. Especially, their family can't support them more by money and power. High class people born in a very rich famiy, they got very good education, their family can give them enough money, even their work supported by their families. From those external conditions, we can know that both class have unequal chance. Great gatsby can clear to show chance is so unequality, Tom as a main charactor in this book, he born in a very rich family as old money. He is arrogant and completely self-absorbed, he got good life and endless money but never hard work. His personality never effect his life, he do nothing but he got most. Compare with other hard working person, Tom is completely rely on his social class, he got all when he born. Chance is completely different for every person. Low class person can change their life by hard work but high class person is rich when they born.  Another concept is more clear shows the unequality,40% of the 700,000 people there live below the poverty level in Park avenue. Their life already defined by two different area. People can't keep quality chance forever, that's why American dream is just a dream. It is difficult to achieve, it seems like a willing to encourage people hard work.

1 comment:

  1. From Flame’s opinion, he thought the essence of American Dream is dishonest, because people could not achieve the American Dream without the social class and other’s help. I agree with Flame’s opinion, because equality is really important for the American Dream. And Flame use an accurate example which is Tom can be rich without hardworking, just because of he is born in the upper class. It represents that American Dream is essentially dishonest, the chance is unfair. But I still found some issue in Flame’s easy. Firstly, the first sentence may puzzle the reader like the author wants to describe that American Dream is everyone can achieve by their hard-working. In fact, Flame want to say that American Dream is dishonest, it could not achieve by people’s working. Secondly, the second quotation which from Park Avenue is not specific enough, because Flame just said 40% of 700,000 people live below poverty level. He does not show that those people who below poverty level is because of the dishonest of American Dream. The reader may think those people is lazy so that they could not achieve the American Dream. Thirdly, I think if Flame want to argue that American Dream is dishonest, he could not say that the American Dream is a willing for encourage people to work harder. Because he should show the dishonest of the American Dream not the positive side of the American Dream. Finally, I want to say that the picture in Flame’s blog is attract me a lot, I think it is an irony of that American Dream is equal for all the people.
    commented by Owen
