Monday, February 6, 2017

wang jieyun(owen) part 2

In my opinion, American Dream is unattainable for people to achieve, only a little people can realize the American Dream. The original purpose of the American Dream is stimulating people to work harder for a better life but now the situation is that the rich become richer, the poor become poorer. The reason lead to this result it that American Dream is unrealizable. All the people want to have a job which has high salaries, and own a huge house and luxury car. And the fact is that if the person is a normal person and nobody help him, it is almost impossible for him to realize the American Dream.
“The idea of American Dream is that everyone got an equal opportunity, but in fact there is a large group of people that experience the game as unfair, the opportunity is not there, all the rules have been decided. The property has already bought up and the money is already in the hands of other players”. This quotation is from the documentary Park Avenue. The experiment shows that the richer player can win the game easier than the poor player. It means that poor people is hard to achieve their goal by their hard-working, including the American Dream. The documentary also shows that why the poor people become poorer. It is because that the richer make the government reduce the education funds, then the poor could not attend school, after that no employer wants to hire them and the result is that they become poorer. If the poorer could not earn money, the American Dream could not be realized.
In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby also shows that American Dream is unattainable for people to achieve. For Gatsby, the American Dream is that getting rid of humble origin and enter the upper class, own money, status and woman. Firstly, Gatsby earn huge amount of money but he still could not own Daisy completely, it equal to the failure of American Dream. Secondly, the way that Gatsby earn money is illegal, it means his American Dream represents the death of conscience and the loss of morality, it also is a unsuccessful American Dream.

To sum up, American Dream is unattainable for people to achieve, no matter you are rich or poor. The only thing is that rich people can achieve a little bit easier, but it may not in a legitimate way.
American Dream is unattainable
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