Monday, February 6, 2017

Bai Xindi (Elizabeth)Dishonest in the American Dream -Part 2

Dishonest in the American Dream
In my opinion, the American Dream is dishonest which means the American Dream is fake and people cannot achieve it at all. Though the American Dream appeal to give everyone equal opportunities to make money no matter their race or born, the dishonest become a part of their personality to help them to get rich. Some people are rich when they are born, they don’t need to work so hard, because they can use their money to buy whatever they want, even the opportunities. In the movie “Park Avenue”, the rich people become dishonest that they only pay few tax to the government. This behavior can only let the wealthy become more and more rich, but this is no effect for poor, it’s only can make the gap between the rich and poor become larger. They even buy the law and opportunities that can make their beneficial only as well. The American Dream is just an illusion for people that they cannot achieve it.
       Some people who are born in the poor place and their parents don’t have enough ability to ensure their children to go to the good school. For yearning the knowledge, they become dishonest to their school and when they get rich they will dishonest to their past. They don’t want to talk about their past when they are adapt to the rich life they have. They will dishonest for their business life as well, because they may get more money, just like the main character Gatsby in “The Great Gatsby”. Gatsby was born in a small village which was poor, he worked step by step and became a bootlegger to make more and more money. He lied to Daisy that he was born in a rich family to hide his past at first. When he was rich, he became dishonest to people. He lied to them about his past and job. He thought he can change the past when he got rich and let Daisy to love him again. Finally Daisy did not love him because she was afraid of his past. Daisy was the same people with her husband who were “old money”, who were rich at the beginning. Actually the theme of American Dream don’t care about their past, so the American Dream was fake for him.   
I comment the part 2 of Maggie. 

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