Wednesday, February 1, 2017

American dream P1 Flame

        In my opinion, American dream is as soon as people can get better life if they work hard.  That means people only can depends on their own power to come rich rather than their social class or others help. They only can use their hard, brave, resolution to sucess. I think American dream is difficult to achived. America dream is based on opportunity equally, obviously people's opportunity is different. First their background let them get different chances. Poor people 's family have less source can supported to them, no matter money or people hub.  Rich people's family usually give them better source for work. They give them money to their children start up business, only this single point, every people have different starting point, their chance is different. Another point, rich man's family can support them by their people hub.  Rich people is generally known rich people and they generally make friends with rich people, if their children have some difficulties for works, they can ask their friends to help them.  Compare with poor people,  poor people's family only can teach them how to work but their family can't give them virtually help. If both people want to rent a shop, one person's family is rich, their family can give them more money than poor family can give. Compare with park avenue, I think we have same notion about American dream, it is difficult to achieve. Rich people have too many power and money, even poor people work hard, their background is still a big problem.

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