Monday, February 6, 2017

Geyuchun STEVEN(absolute fake dream)

  American dream, which  supposed to be wonderful and justice, is actually a fake and dishonest illusion for people to achieve. People who reach the goal must be injustice and deceptive because that is the only way to get huge wealth and so-called success. From my point of view, whether people can arrive at American dream has a strong connection with the personalities of the people themselves. What is more, only those who has false and dishonest characteristics are more easily to attain the dream. Otherwise, it will be really hard and tough for people who are justice and decent to reach their goals.
  When we see one specific character from The Great Gatsby, the opinion can be proved by Gatsby who is the main character in the story, chasing for his "American dream" continuously and showing a typical characteristic a successful man should have. As we can see from the novel, Gatsby is poor when he is young so he keeps working and making himself richer and earn more reputation until he becomes famous through the east egg and west egg. However, the approach he gets to wealthy is illegal which is doing drug business. Also, Gatsby once sent the old money person into the jail which is revealed by Tom until the end. Through the novel, we can find that Gatsby is trying to get over and hid his past but he cannot seal up the fact, which illustrates his aspect of dishonest. In Gatsby's mind, he does not want anyone know his past experience because he is self-abasement for his past and he cannot deal with that period of time face to face. Last but not least,  Daisy, who is  the American dream for  Gatsby, is seen as merely wealth. Gatsby compares the woman with wealth, and he is pleased to see many people chasing for Daisy because that can add more value to the woman. It is undeniable that the man loves Daisy so much but he just relates the woman to his wealth, which he thinks is the most significant thing a successful man should own. Therefore, we can get to know the American dream is all about wealth and it is absolute fake and dishonest.
  We can also see one example from Park Avenue which manifests that American dream is ideal and the reality is against the original dream. It is shown that the government published the policy that rich people can have fewer tax which literally destroy the equality of making money. The behaviour of government is definitely injustice which enlarges the gap between the rich and the poor and eliminates the opportunities for poor men to earn money and pursue happiness. The dishonest rule help part of the people who are wealthy to achieve the American dream easily but make the dream impossible for some poor to attain. To conclude, the American dream is an entirely sham and completely lie for the whole people to reach as people can only touch it by dishonest actions.

I commented on Rick's Part 2


  1. I agree with your idea that Gatsby is dishonest. Not only does he cheat for society about his background, he is also dishonest with Daisy about his love. As you said, he tried himself to hide his past, which represents his dishonest. Indeed, he pretends that he was born in the wealthy family and inherited sufficient money, the truth could not be covered by lie and stories. He did not want others to realize his past, he was so ideal that he considered that money could change history. However, there is a giant gap---class division which is unchangeable forever. Even he gained Daisy’s love temporarily, she left him after the exposure of the real past of him.
    However, I don’t agree with your point that “It is undeniable that the man loves Daisy so much but he just relates the woman to his wealth, which he thinks is the most significant thing a successful man should own.” I think money is important because it is kind of symbol of status, however, Gatsby wanted to marry Daisy due to the initial love and desire. The most significant evidence is that he did not fall in love with another wealthier woman in five years. It is the truth that Gatsby did not love Daisy like before because he illustrated better Daisy in five years, this Daisy could not match real Daisy, so he would change his attitude about his love.
    Commented by Shirley

    1. thank you shill can i edit my part 2
