Sunday, February 5, 2017

Evelyn(Yuxi Cui) American Dream Part 2

          In the Great Gatsby, Tom and Daisy are born in rich family. They could have everything , not doing anything, they also don't need to do anything. That is unfair the world. As a normal people, big house and luxury life are impossible. All most office workers could not have it, even though they work indefatigably day and night for several years. However, it does not mean that you would be mediocre in whole life, just like Gatsby. He was born in poor family, but died in super rich. Definitely he is fit the American Dream. When he was a poor boy, he met Daisy and fall in love with her. Unfortunately she wanted to fall in love with a rich man. From then on, Gatsby wanted to be a rich person. He had done illegal business to get rich, then became Rich Gatsby. He is totally different from Tom and Daisy. The three person had been born in different statuses. It can be said that Daisy and Tom had more chance and resources than Gatsby. They just enjoyed and wasted life. According to that they are against the American Dream, they do not need to work hard. And they are live on the top of America, that are their advantages.Through Gatsby we can see the hardship of a person who achieved his goal and how to overcome poverty.   

I comment on Lisa

1 comment:

  1. Evelyn's main though is if you don't have enough money i,t does not mean that you would be mediocre in whole life, just like Gatsby. He was born in poor family,But he is very ambitious and through their own way to get rich,I agree with that ,in my opinionst ,American dream claims that everyone can achieve better life with equality by working hard ,however ,it is hard to success by normal work especially for the people who have no privilege or advantages in society but the people who has strong ambitious would have possibility to achieve their American dream ,Gatsby has enormous ambitions about wealthy ,everyone can thorough their own effort to achieve their dream ,everyone can enjoy their own life .

    Comment by niuniu.
