Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wade(Liu,Shiliang) Part 1 The Deteriorating American Dream

After I understand what the American dream is, I form a feeling that the American Dream represents America's aspiration and the pursuit of a better life. It involves a number of factors, such as freedom, rights, equality of opportunity and wealth. They advocate the American dream, because they want to resist the British rule. They want a more independent, democratic and more equal life. Therefore, they use the American Dream as a sign of their ideas. When I read the Declaration of Independence, I would rather believe that the American dream pays more attention to freedom and equality, because it advocates that everyone can achieve their own prosperity. It is not just money, it across the class, race and gender, and they want them to realize the true meaning of common prosperity. But in my opinion, I think this is just a dream, the ideal life, in fact, can not be achieved. It is easy to understand, especially when you look at Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream. I agree with that. Here is an example from Park Avenue to prove it: Monopoly. This is an easy game to observe and understand the current nature of the American Dream. Typically, each player has the same amount and same chances at the beginning. But in this video, it shows a phenomenon, different players have different starting points. Some people start with a lot of money, while others are poor, like our current society. They all want to win the game, so they need a lot of money and the opportunity to support themselves. But the richer people always have more chances to get more money, and the poor have fewer chances and money. So the result is that while the poor are struggling to play the game, there are always rich winners and poor losers. It is impossible to achieve everyone's victory. This is happening every day. This is cruel, but also realistic

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