Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Lily (Li Jun)Part 1 American Dream——A sweet lie

In my view, American Dream is a illusory lie that use to encourage the lower class. Lower class is a large part of the population, so the country encourage them to work hard by describing a bright future, to maintain the social order and promote social development. The original meaning of American Dream is that everyone has same opportunity to be successful if they work hard. It is focus on the wealth today. Since equality and freedom are abstract, they have a distance from daily life, lots of people do not even understand the meaning of them. But money can decide the level of peoples life directly, the biggest wish of many people is that get richer. However, most of the wealth is in the hand of the upper class. The social mobility is almost impossible, because different people have different starting point, they do not have same level of resources, such as education, growth environment, and connections. These conditions shape the thoughts, ability and social circle, then the lifetime of a person is determined. If life is a game, the competition is unfair. Like Anne Rueth said in the film, but even before birth, so many kids start that race behind. My opinion is similar with he films.The movement of classes is like winning lottery that probability is very tiny. If a person from lower class wants to go to upper class, he needs not only ability but great luck. Countless people believe the sweet lie wove by American Dream, they work hard and looking forward that they will be successful one day. But they do not know that their dreams will most likely not come true.

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