Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Yidan Dong (Charlotte) -- Part 1 Wake up, People! From the Fanciful American Dream

In my opinion, today American Dream focus more on the equality of citizens’ opportunities. And here “opportunities” refers to chances to reach a standard of material, physical, and mental satisfaction. A relatively ideal life is being defined in these three aspects. And the core concept of the American Dream is to make the life better. Material satisfaction represents the merchandises which include houses, cars, clothing and so on. Physical satisfaction means owning an overall healthy body and no huge medical issues. Mental satisfaction for example, is like keeping a good mood, having a happy marriage and a few children. American Dream nowadays is unlikely an attainable goal for everyone. In the documentary, it stated that people in extreme poverty can hardly pull themselves out. And it is now because that rich people are getting richer and poor become poorer. This is true because the rich show no sympathy for the poor and they would use their privileged wealth to involve in politic and rig it as an lobbyist according to their favours. For example, they would advocate the policy of reduction on the rich’s taxes. And this would bring about issues like the decrease of GDP and more common phenomenon of unemployment which means the poor people are being squeezed. Even if one is hard-working enough, he or she is not able to get a job on account of poverty. So how could poor people achieve the American Dream by hard work in the condition that they do not even stand a chance to be on a position to practice their diligence. Also, based on the fact that the poor only have limited resources, they are nearly inaccessible to the opportunities which would help them become richer. The American Dream is not all about money. But money is the most important factor to help attain the standard. As above, American Dream might just be an imagination to the poor ones.

Evil Giant Called "Billionaire"

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