Monday, February 6, 2017

Qiu Zhaohuan Joseph-Part 2-The dishonesty leads to unrealistic fantasies.

  Refers to the common understanding of the American Dream, it is easy to defined that the AD is just a idealistic lie to most of the people because in either the previous century or the current society, the high-class always holds the dominant power and the vast majority of the economy, which means that for most of the people, the resources for them were almost taken so they have to fight for the limited sources that left by. The wealthy people used their unlimited relationships to attain sufficient power, which enables them to achieve their ambition of obtaining more fortune and treasure in unequal methods and manners. Therefore, this theory is doubtless dishonest to the normal residents because of the minimal possibility for them to become successful by their efforts they devoted.
  Based on the main character from the original novel, Jordan Baker, as a typical person who was a well-famed golf player, things occurred on her demonstrates the fact that the American Dream is basically dishonest. For example, the methods she won the champion in the golf tournaments was mostly illegal because she was failed at the first several times but she bribed the referees for more opportunities and ignorance for her mistakes by paying them money. In addition, she used her cunning communicating ability to reach the people with higher social status instead of achieve her target by her real strengths. In this section, there is a huge contrast between the original state for the American Dream because somebody achieved her dream without any hard-working, in order to restate that the American Dream is totally dishonest.
  What's more is, from the movie called the Park Avenue, the current American society could be compared to Monopoly, a game designed by the social psychologist Paul Piff. In this game, the richer players usually take a huge advantage to win like double initial capitals, amount of properties, etc. and situations for poor players are totally opposite. Similarly in the reality, the majority of the entire population are experiencing unfairness and inequality. “Opportunity is nor there, all the rules have been decided, the property has already been brought up and money’s already in the hands of other people”, said Paul. Despite the idea of American Dream states that every one is born equally and people will have same level of opportunities and resources to succeed as long as they tried, still many of them are in the dry tree because of their poor families or educational backgrounds. By combining ideas indicated in the Great Gatsby and Park Avenue, apparently, the American dream for most of people are just unattainable fantasy because the dishonest behaviours acted by the top 1%.
(I have commented on Allen Lu's blog.)


  1. In your blog, you state your standpoint that American Dream is deceptive. It is your conclusion based on the fact that it is a piece of cake to capture an opportunity for the rich; while for poor people, even they work desperately hard but still have difficulty finding a chance. And this inequality between two groups of people explains that the American Dream which misleads people to achieve anything they want by hard work is really dishonest and ridiculous.
    I strongly agree with your opinion. The disparities of one’s birth background determine the chance they can success by hard work. And poor people in extreme condition can hardly win this unfair game because they are brought up with so many inferior resources like less refined education and so on. These resources play important role in being successful. Their lack of key factors of success which attributes to their birth reveals the American Dream which exaggerates the function of diligence is misleading.
    I appreciate the way you prove your opinion. Your reasons for the opinion is really convincing because you are using a fact. The fact is the best way to disapprove the theory. You say that the rich is getting richer while poor is being poorer. It is absolutely a fact which can be shown in the “Park Avenue” documentary. The documentary lists the statics that the income growth distribution of 1% richest Americans grows stunningly from less than 20% to more than the half. To prove that American Dream is deceptive is to use the contrastive real-world example to show that American Dream is far beyond the fact and you did that. It is such an interesting and thoughtful blog!

    By Charlotte

  2. I agree with your statements that the American dream is just an idealistic lie and the upper class always control the major power and recourses. The major resources were taken by the upper class mostly. So the opportunities are unequal and less freedom, there is no doubt the American dream is just reality that all the upper class are standing in or they are representative the American dream. However, it is an illusion for the majority of the entire society.
    In my thoughts, I strongly agree with the fact that you have written in your blog. Jordan baker was a well-famed golf player, but the way she won games illustrate the American dream is actually dishonest. Jordan achieved her American dream without hard working and it doesn’t appeals to the definition of the American dream which is achieve their goals by working hard. I totally agree with your statements and you used lots of facts to prove that the dishonest of American dream. It makes this blog more attractive and persuasive.

    By Bill Cao
