Monday, February 6, 2017

Ricardo zhu Maolin part 2

Is the American Dream essentially dishonest-must one be dishonest to achieve it. is it unattainable for all-or is the American dream a spiritually pure and optimistic pursuit of a better future for anymore willing to work very hard to reach their goals?

In my opinion, American Dream is not dishonest. It is attainable for all of citizens of America who have ambitious for their future life. I agree with the opinion of Nick who said that “Probable honest, observes the lifestyle of the young, ambitious, wealthy and poor alike, strives to make his own fortune”. This means that American dreams is not attainable. If all of American put efforts, they can make their dream come true. For example, young people work hard in their work area after they graduate from university. And student work hard in order to get higher scores and be permitted to attend a famous university. More famous university sometime represents higher education and better connection with people. Students from graduate from famous university are more likely to find a better job and get satisfied salaries. People want to find a good job because they want to lead a better lifestyle and accumulate their fortune. This phenomenon  is quite common in the real life. At the same time, this shows that people have dream for their life. They are ambitious. So American dream is not only a spiritually pure and optimistic pursuit of a better future. People who are willing to work very hard to reach their goals will probable make their dreams come true. My understanding of the American dream is that people work hard to achieve their goals, pursuit happiness and find the true meaning of life. As long as most of the people have dreams and are willing to make their dreams come true, American Dream will not only a inable for all-or is the American dream, but also it is the expectation for all the people. So American dream is probable honest as long as all people work together and contribute to their American Dream.  

 I commented Erin Hou chen yuhan 

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with this author, I also think the American Dream is just a lie for the optimistic people. The definition of the American Dream is USA citizens could achieve their dreams with their hard-working In spite of working hard, however you still can not be success. Because of the American dream told the people that if they work hard ,they can achieve their goal,but not everyone can realized their dream so it make no sense,even though the poor can not earn the enough money to make their dream come true and they also know what is their dream. So in my own opinion, American dream is a kind of trick that the rich people control the poor people who can to be rich.

    Comment by Iver
