Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sophia(WANG YING)-Cheating Dream

The American Dream is about the dream of equality for everyone in the USA.In my opinion, I would obtain a job position with equal opportunity after graduation in the American Dream.The American Dream illustrates that people should have the equal rights to do whatever they want in the legal range.Each citizen is able to achieve the dream and make money through their efforts within the equal society.But in fact, it is obvious that is a difficult dream to achieve such as idealism.I think that today’s American Dream pay more attention to the money so that the gap between the rich and the poor has become lager and larger.I consider that not all people have the equality to decide their life in the America, especially the rich individuals have more power and status to control the society. In the film, some poor people who live in the north of Park Avenue lose their jobs without money and social status, even depend on food distribution living.However, other renowned and rich people who live in the south of Park Avenue spend a luxury life with supreme power and magnificent environment.Besides, some businessmen collude with politicians to manipulate the political power using money.Thus, from my own view, the American Dream about equality could be spiritually ideal for everyone, the poor individuals still could not equally get the job opportunities, the reality is hard in the country.


  1. Sophia argues that the American dream is idealist can not be achieved. The American dream should give each citizen equal opportunity to find a job, get money through hard working and do whatever they want to do if it is lawful. But related to the documentary, she argues that the American dream is an illusion and there is a great gap between the rich and the poor. It is hard for everyone to have an equal opportunity to obtain the American dream.

    I disagree with this opinion, I believe that the American dream is achievable. If the American dream is idealist why a range of the young trust the American dream, and they went to American and already achieved their goals, they see the American dream as a guide of their life, and they believe American is the place where has freedom, democracy, and opportunities.

    I argue that Sophia’s opinion is too pessimistic, but the American dream is do positive for the young. And that is the reason why young people try their best to get higher education because knowledge can not buy by money and it is the most feasible way to change people’s life. For example, Obama, he uses his knowledge achieve his position and changes people’s view to black individual. Thus, American dream is attemptable and those who argue that the American dream is a illusion is because they want to find an excuse for their idle.

    (Maggie Liu)

  2. Well,I must say that we has almost similar opinion about American Dream which is a dishonest dream to reach in the United States in some way.She thinks Daisy is a kind of illusion for Gatsby, In the Great Gatsby,Gatsby always have wrong thought all the time throughout the novel,which Daisy loves him for the five years even though she married Tom.As Sophie perspective,she gives lots of details about the connection between Gatsby and American Dream,what is more, show the strong description for Daisy is Gatsby American Dream in serval words .In the novel,Gatsby does everything for chasing Daisy,she is exactly illusion which makes Gatsby blind his eyes and mind.And he also have a extreme naive mentality that money is utilize to achieve or fix anything as most useful tool for the less people who has same thought with him.At the age of ‘American Dream’, most people has common idea that American Dream is great and excellent,while it is not,people who want to be successful must pay something more important than their life in order to be successful.Moreover, Sophie also said the american dream that Gatsby achieved are all dishonest.She gets one of the important point between Gatsby and American Dream.In terms of affection,Daisy regard as Gatsby’s American Dream which is illusion to blind their eyes,he never see essential element.To summarize,American dream is a exact illusion and the people who did illegal things can reach it.
