Monday, February 6, 2017

Yuan zhaoming(John) part2

I think the American dream is no longer the original American dream. Now the American dream is fundamentally dishonest, and there are many deceptions. Like Jordan in the novel, she is dishonest, and she uses deceit to make herself more profitable. For example, in the novel Jordan quietly change the ball in the game position, you can show her dishonesty and for their own interests can choose to cheat. And in the novel when Daisy received a letter from Gatsby to her, Gatsby asked Daisy to wait for him in the letter, and that he would soon be back from the front. Is that Jordan took out the necklace that Tom gave to Daisy and put the necklace on Daisy's neck so that Daisy married Tom. And in the beginning of the novel or Michael Jordan will Gatsby's name cleverly told Daisy; not only that, she went to Gatsby personally organized the party to explore Gatsby's situation, and Gatsby's desire Conveyed to Daisy. From these two things you can see Jordan's dishonesty.

Daisy in the novel for the money to abandon the Gatsby to marry Tom, but after marriage, Daisy is not happy. Daisy later discovered that Gatsby had become rich and had been with Gatsby. But Daisy found Gatsby's property after the accidentally killed Tom's lover accidentally, and then Daisy and Tom will be killed in the matter of people who blame Gatsby. This series of events map out Daisy's cold-blooded ruthless, as the money for all, a "worship the golden woman" image.

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