Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Xindi Bai(Elizabeth) Part 1

American Dream of high-quality education 
I think the American Dream is an aim for everyone can have enough power to achieve their goal if they have the high-quality education, because high-quality education can let more people to gain more knowledge that they can use in the work or life. More education can nurture more useful talents who can get more opportunities to get job and make their life better, because when people study the knowledge they will practice what they learn. During the practice, they will gain more experience that can let them get into the high level. I think the American Dream today has all become about the wealth, the wealth people can use their money to get everything they want, especially the high-quality education, because the if people have high-quality education, which means they have high abilities for high positions. In the movie, it shows the wealthy people are billionaires or even more who are the top 1% in the society, the high- quality education is the basic thing of them. In my opinion, the American Dream is an ideal, it can not be achieved today, because though they advocate the American Dream to give everyone opportunity to get make money equally, but the wealth people deprive all the opportunities that they want by using their money. The rest of people who are too poor and the school is bad enough that they don't have the opportunity to compete with others. They can not even touch the high level. My idea is about letting everyone to have the high-quality education, because the job needs high educational people, because there are still some jobs that lack of employees and even with 12 million people enable to find work and education programs. The idea in the film advocate providing more opportunities to everyone that can let them have the same chance of making money, the difference between my idea and movie is that my main idea is about the high-education. The movie mentioned the opportunities for education, because the high-quality people are needed in the society as well. 

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