Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Xueqing Liu (Maggie) Part1-----Money is the Fundamental of Happiness in the American dream

          The American dream is the concept where people, particularly in the US want to live happily. In my opinion, happiness means feeling contented and having a sense of material and mental wellbeing. Here, material success represents that one does not need to be worried about necessities such as housing, food, medical and clothing; Mental means that I can enjoy my life by going as far as I want with my education, and uplift my mind and spirit through traveling, going to concerts and watching dramas. But the American dream is only realizable for a small number of citizens and the American dream tends to involve the chasing of fame and fortune. According to the documentary, Park Avenue; the poor do not have jobs because they are not in the competition since most of them only possess high school diplomas. They even need charity or government aid for the bare necessities, let alone enjoy their life. But the rich who live in the south part of Park Avenue lead a different life. Schwartzman who belonged to the category of the ultra-rich is one such person, who would have 25 fully decorated Christmas Trees in his house at his annual Christmas party. The documentary implies that the American dream is all about money and only the rich can enjoy their life to get happiness. Here, I’m arguing that happiness itself has no connection with wealth, but happiness equals to satisfaction of ones material needs which in turn results in spiritual and mental fulfilment, and both depend on the economic situation of an individual. Thus, not everyone can feel happiness, and the so-called American dream eludes the poor. 

Comment: From Maggie’s Part1, she stated that the American dream is the dream that people in the US want to feel happiness.Meanwhile, she expressed her opinion about the American Dream that I could agree with it.At first, there is no doubt that everyone needs happiness both in material and mental aspect.People do not worry about for making a living that government is obligated to be responsible for them.In addition, in terms of children, each of them could acquire knowledge and enjoy their childhoods with happiness.However, as Maggie wrote“ the American dream is only realizable for a small part of the citizens and the American dream is tending to chase fame and fortune.” When people pursue the happiness, they cannot avoid the barrier of money.Especially the poor individuals, they would not realize that the American Dream is unrealistic and still strive for it with their efforts.But the gap between the rich and the poor has existed for long time, the happiness is hard to achieve for the poor people, who face various trouble of reality in the life.Therefore, despite the happiness of American Dream is that everyone desires, it would be limited in America. 
                                                                                                                     By Sophia

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