Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Lu Hao(casper)part 1 the rule for the poor

American dream want everyone be equality and i think the equality means everyone have same chance to do every thingsbut in fact the rich have more opportunities to get every things than the poor ,if the poor do not have chances to get money it means the do not have same opportunity to be richerso the American dream can not be achieved to the poorNowadays the American had focus the equality and freedomas we can see the lots of people in America have equality social influencebut i think the American dream can not be achieved in our modern society because it is very hard to make everyone become equalityso it is an ideal todayAt the video beginningthe north have lots of people live in there but they do not have enough money and job to do but in the opposite part the south park avethey have lots money and they can do what they want to do it is not equal to the north peopleso the American dream is not a rule to everybodyit is just a ideal to the people who living the north

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