Sunday, February 5, 2017

Fang( Zhuang,Fang) part 2 Dirty Trades

The American dream shows strong dishonest and dirty trades, it is hard to achieve American dream if people are not dishonest. Because the majority of working class toil hard days and night for their whole lives but they fail to make ends meet. On the contrary, a lot of other dishonest businessmen resort to illegal methods to make money with the aim of gaining profits and material possession. These people have a much easier life in America, while the honest poor ones are left behind trying to struggle throughout all their lives and living in the poor neighborhood.
As shown by Gatsby in the novel The Great Gatsby, he was born in a small village, which meant that he did not have the material and chances to start the business or get knowledge in school. Later on, the thirst for wealth and thus gain social status from this drove him to be dishonest in making money, such as selling alcohol by smuggling. Therefore, the chance of achieving the American dream is not equal because it is only for those who dare to break laws to make money or the rich children.
Some people maintain making money in an honest way, i.e., no cheating and no behaviors against laws. However, with the rivalry from the dishonest ways of making money, the opportunities for the honest people to accumulate wealth are reduced. The worst condition, as indicated in the documentary, is that the richest of the society, i.e., the 1% of 1% occupy the majority of social wealth and resources, making it almost impossible for the common people to move up on the social ladder. In this sense, the American Dream is not attainable or even unimaginable by everyone in the society. Only the rich and the dishonest are entitled to the fulfillment of the American Dream. Regarding those who are at the bottom of the social ladder, no matter how hard they work; it is just not possible to reach their goals. This is one of the reasons why, in nowadays, some people consider that the American Dream is dead.  There is nothing wrong to pursue money. Without money serving as the material basis, happiness is only a beautiful dream in the air. However, when such pursuit is brimmed with immoral and dishonest behaviors, it is turned into a filthy act of those with despicable desires for wealth.
 I comment on Shirley part 1 the ideal propaganda 

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