Wednesday, February 1, 2017

HouChenyuhan Erin Part1 (Fantasy)

In my opinion, American Dream is just an illusion, it’s impossible for poor people to try hard to become wealthy and live in better lives. Nowadays, I think American Dream is all related to money, it's all about the wealth of America. The poor are still existed in America. It has never been changed, the rich are always have opportunities to achieve their goals, but the poor still have a terrible life because their efforts could change nothing. The American Dream is not realistic to achieve because it is just an ideal condition in America and it’s impossible that poor people could live in wealthy life. The rich are powerful and they control the economics, it is almost has no possibility for them to become the poor, they are powerful and they always stay at the tops of the society. However, the people who are under controlled by the rich are the poor, they have nothing to do but just still where they are, and they don’t have any opportunities to change their situations, they may have tried but they couldn’t be successful at all. The country is more considerable for the powerful people and their own benefits , they wouldn’t spend much time on the poor. My ideas are similar to the Park Avenue, the promotion of the poor become richer is like the people winning the lottery, it’s almost impossible, even if someone successes, it is depending on the luck. Most people cannot do this, so the American Dream is just an illusion which cannot be achieved by people.

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