Thursday, February 2, 2017


The American Dream
The American Dream is about the people's happiness that people can be wealth, have their families and get the social position. But the difference between different classes is increasing in today's America, because middle class could not spend more money on children's education than the rich. Although the students from middle class and the students from the rich family have the equal opportunity to have basic education, the rich pay more on the extra education such as sports, arts and foreign language. The more the rich pay on education the more chance of the students who are from the rich family will be. So actually, people could not be equal to achieve their dreams because of the different costs on education. And there are also many unclear condition in the people's fate.
The American Dream is about that people want to have their happiness and their aims of their lives depend on themselves, which is that the aims may include family, house, love,position or wealth even though they only want to have a dream. The American Dream always connects to people which is that all dreams needs to be realized by humans. When people are finding their dreams, it is difficult to keep honest. The American Dream is essentially dishonest, people must be dishonest to achieve it. And it is also unattainable for all and the American Dream may be not a spiritually pure and optimistic pursuit of a better future for everyone willing to work very hard to reach their goals. In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby does not want to talk about his root and he tries to discover his past. And also the name "Jay Gatsby" is not his real name. He wants nobody to know that he is from a poor family and he leaves his father by changing his name and discover his past. All of those are for achieving Gatsby's American Dream, which is that he wants to make much money and get the love of Daisy. The American Dream may be difficult to be achieved that the rich control the power and the middle and the poor have to work for them but not working for themselves completely. In Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream, the root is an important factor to achieve people's dreams, which means that where the people were born and what kinds of family could help or prevent their dreams. And many people could not achieve their dreams although they work very Wade's opinion is that the American Dream is about people’s imagination about a perfect life: fairness, justice, opportunity, wealth. I agree with this opinion. The American Dream is about that people want to have their happiness and their aims of their lives depend on themselves, which is that the aims may include family, house, love, position or wealth even though they only want to have a dream. And it is also difficult to achieve this dream, which is that the American Dream is an aim of their lives. Sometimes, the American Dream may be only a dream in people's mind so that it is difficult to achieve and it is also a final aim of people. common:;postID=5775247164442942198;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=5;src=postname

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