Thursday, February 2, 2017

Gao Mengyu(lisa)-part 1 - Shattered Dreams

I think that American dream is through individual efforts to achieve the dream and get a better life. Everyone wishes living in a safe environment. Specifically, they can make money to support their families by their own effort, no longer have shooting and robbery. However, today's American dream is no longer a symbol of freedom and equality. As time went on, people began to become greedier, more material and the original intention of the American dream has been corrupted. American dream has gradually become a distant ideal especially after the First World War, people on the true meaning of the American dream became confused. More and more people use money to achieve their own interests and success, even use money buy power. As the video Park Avenue: Money, Power, American Dream, here is a game called monopoly that is a simple way to explain American dream. The rich always have more opportunities to win more money, however the poor is not like the rich. Despite the poor try their best to play the game, the rich still win. In today’s society, the rich use money to maximize their interests, and American dream is a war of luck.

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