Thursday, February 2, 2017

Chen Qiuyan(Vivent)-Part 1 Unreachable Freedom and Equality

 Unreachable Freedom and Equality

From my perspective, American Dream is a propaganda where government deceives us to work hard in order to get freedom for ourselves. Unlike people in the old days who pursue wealthy as their American Dream, people in these days care more about what really matters such as, freedom and wealthy. It is understandable that the government wants people to work hard and contribute to the country, however, what government tells us is illusory that if we work hard, we can achieve everything that is legal since government has provided equal opportunity for each of us. Working hard is the way to succeed but it doesnt mean that we can get no constraint and have same opportunity as others to achieve our goals. For example, people from different class status has various degree of social dilemmas. Even though poor people try their best to survive in the society everyday and people from middle class work hard all the time to get a better life, they have to concern about the safe issue of where they live, the overcrowded apartment, the lack of health nutrition that they have and the medical issues in their daily life. All these are the trouble we need to face in our normal life and can impede our way to succeed. In contrast, what the upper class people earn is money and the concerns we have can be solved easily by them. Whats more, their money is not only used to buy luxury houses or fancy cars but also used to own the political power and rig the game in their favors, which we dont have the ability to afford. Therefore, when we have to deal with the trouble that the society creates for us and the upper society dont have , here comes to the questions: where are our equality and freedom that the government promises to us? How are the equality and freedom same as others? Why cant I succeed though I work hard everyday? As Paul K. Piff in the film said: there are large group of people that experience the game as unfair. The opportunity is not there. All the rules have been decided. The property has been brought up and the money are already in the hands of the other players. and the narrator said at the end of the film:  the rich are often held up the shining examples of whats possible of American., therefore, freedom and equality arent achievable for everyone of us since there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor and the American Dream is a lie and propaganda for the government to convince us to trust them and the country.

1 comment:

  1. Vivent showed her opinion that American Dream is all fake because of the gap between the rich and the poor is too much that people in poverty cannot achieve the ideal. I do agree with her analysis and proof but I have some objections on her statement. It is true that poor people have a plenty of barriers to gain the profit from the market and the gap is too much for them to fill as far as I am concerned. However, it doesn’t mean that it is impossible for the poor to become the ‘new money’ group. There will still a few people who achieved their American Dream and some who gained the profit illegally just because the difficult process. Since above, in my opinion, “freedom and equality aren’t achievable for everyone of us since there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor and the American Dream is a lie and propaganda” is too objective that I cannot agree with.

