Thursday, February 2, 2017

NIUNIU(杜妞妞) Part one - American Dream

  American dream appeared in 19 century and it was a belief that if you work hard you could change your fates and have better lives.At that time,it was a dream to encourage people to achieve goals through their assiduous working and have determination to be successful.What is more, gap between the social status would not be significant and everyone could be rich through the great efforts.Additionally,the main idea of American dream is everyone is equal and they have the same chance to make their dreams come true.However,the American dream today is quite different from the previous and it has become almost all about wealthy.Talking about my own dream,I would like to be a person who is specialize in computer so I need to enter a famous university through my hard working in order to have a better study in computer area.University of Waterloo and U of T are two best choices for me,although it might be difficult to reach it,I still want to try on it no matter what the result is. As we know from the ‘Park Avenue’,the rich is richer and the poor is poorer,which means actually American dream could not be achieved anymore.Only 60 minutes drive,there are two different kinds of people.Moreover,the most ridiculous is rich people could even change the laws in order to let them get more profits.American dream is not exist and America becomes a place,which people could do anything with the money.The gap between them becomes larger and the poor seems have no chance to be successful.Therefore,from my own perspective,American dream changes obviously and it is unfair for the poor.

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