Monday, February 6, 2017

Erin HouChenyuahan Part 2 The Optimistic American Dream

In “ The Great Gatsby ”, the main character is the most obvious people who wants to reach his own American Dream. We all know that Gatsby loves Daisy and he tries whatever he could do to get Daisy, even though some illegal businesses. We can easy to say that Gatsby is naive and his dream is to be with Daisy. Gatsby has been away from Daisy for around five years because of the war, there isn’t one day for him not to miss Daisy. He dreamed of her and Daisy is perfect in his mind all the time. In Gatsby’s mind, money could buy everything, including the love of Daisy, so he worked hard after the war to earn money and become rich. It can be seen easily that all Gatsby wants is Daisy, so she could be seen as Gatsby’s American Dream. In the book, Gatsby holds parties in his house which is just across from Daisy’s, he wants she could come to his parties one day so that they could meet again. The house costs a lot but he never cares, he thinks he could get Daisy’s love again. Time changes people, but Gatsby lives in his own mind, he considers their beautiful life but he never thinks about Daisy wouldn’t back to his side because of many factors. Daisy is an old money but Gatsby is the new, and his money based on one old money’s blood, although he become rich, there is still some estrangements between them. Daisy cannot accept it but Gatsby thought she could, because he is always optimistic, he thinks he could have better life with Daisy in the future. But he doesn’t know become wealthy people or get what ever Daisy wants are not the points that he could get her back. The dream cannot be achieved because the differences between them. Gatsby doesn’t realize the future that he is catching is not exist, he cannot let his dream come true even he does everything that he thinks it’s possible to get Daisy. So the American Dream is just an illusion for the optimistic people who want to live a better life.

I commented Bill Cao's part 2.

Comment :
 In the film of “The great Gatsby”, Gatsby is American dreams are all about daisy. He worked
hard all the time and wanted to be a wealthy people. He thought that money can buy daisy. If he
has the money, daisy will accompany him all the time. However, this is impossible. Money can
not buy anything. The America dream of Gatsby is also stupid. I totally agree with your
opinion that the dream of Gatsby cannot be achieved. He is over optimistic, he thinks he could
have better life with Daisy in the future as long as he earn enough money on hand. So the
American Dream is just an illusion for the optimistic people who want to live a better life. it is
not the truth. In my opinion, American dream is a hope that people want to lead a better life
whether in physics or in mental area. 
Commented by  Ricardo 

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