Wednesday, February 1, 2017



Here are some quotations from PARK AVENUE that you may find useful for    Part 1.

You can use them, when analyzing how your PERSONAL OPINION relates to the FILM.

Here is also the wiki link which explains how to form an opinion, if you are still struggling with that.

Spirituality vs. Materialism (Moral decay)
Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream QUOTATIONS

“Let’s imagine you are invited to a game of monopoly. You start the game and find out that all of the others have been divided up. All of the money already been handed out. But you receive hey go cheat and sit down, play the game like we are going to give you a chance to play inset like everyone else. There are some that has a lot of assets, a lot of social mobility, a lot of money to do what they want. As opposed to other people who are more disadvantaged, more underprivileged don’t has the same lads of resources.”

“This is the economy pie in the decade after World War II. Income gains were shared by everyone with a big proportion going to the average American. But since the late 1970s the bottom 90% was completely developed by the top 1%.”

“Only four hundred of the richest Americans control the majority of the wealth of the bottle American. That’s 150 million people. The question is what are the people on the top gonna do with all that money?”

“The same thing is true for personal context, especially for the rich. Tax is raised from millions drop more than 25% in the last two decades and for the extremely wealthy individuals on the top, taxes have fallen by almost 15%”

“The more money you have, the more entitled and deserving. It’s one of those things you feel that might account in the part for the victory all that you see when people feel like their privileged positions being undermined by others.”

“It don’t matter where you begin, what matters is where you end. You live in United States of America and that’s something that I think is an inherently moral thing about America: It gives you a chance to make it.”

“This is ridiculous they say, more income people don`t pay taxes. They don`t pay taxes.”

“We are reaching a tipping point, we are coming close to the tipping point in America, we will have nearly majority of takers verses makers in society.”

“They mash take the resent of middle class, which is actually been quite economically and squeezed over the last proper decades. And turn the resent against the people who need them.”

“It was a budget proposal that would dramatically cut government programs for the poor or handing out an even bigger tax cut for the rich.

“Taxes are the price you pay for civilization and if you do not pay taxes you do not get civilization. By that measure our civilization is in trouble.”

“Just because you are rich, does not make you smart; just because you are rich, does not make you cultured; just because you are rich, does not make you refined; being rich means you are rich. Some rich people are just dicks.”

“America has become a place where money can buy everything.”

“Almost all families start out with wanting the same thing for their children. They want them to be safe, they want them to be happy and they want them to be successful and healthy. But even before birth, so many kids start [behind]. They come into a neighborhood that’s unsafe. Maybe they are in overcrowded apartments. They don’t have healthy nutrition. They might have medical issues that are not being addressed. I would say that their number one challenge is just a lack of opportunity in general.”

“We are in a society with very complex feelings about economic inequity. There is gonna be a reinforcing cycle: those at the top who’ve done well, they do even better. And they trade that lot of money back into politics.”

Everyone have a equal opportunity, start with the same amount of money and the same chance to success. winning is a mix of luck and skill.”

“The extraordinary accumulation wealth of the top is not just about  hard workit's about the wealthy interest using the political system to rig the rules and the favour.

"There are large group of people that experience the game as unfair".

"Feeding people is something that this country can afford to do and should be able to do, that's not a hammock."

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